Ofsted & Standards 
Ofsted's most recent visit took place on 20th and 21st September and we are delighted to confirm that we have been graded a Good school.
‘Pupils love learning at this school. They thrive in the school’s team ethos. Pupils work well together in lessons and bring the best out of each other.’
‘Pupils have high ambitions for themselves and their peers at school.’
‘Pupils speak articulately and with enthusiasm about their learning goals and their aims for the future. They work hard to achieve leaders’ high expectations.’
‘From the start of Reception class, staff deliver the reading curriculum with impressive attention to detail so that pupils learn what they need to read fluently.’
‘Pupils with SEND overcome the challenges they face to learn the curriculum as well as possible. This ensures pupils with SEND access the same curriculum as their peers.’
OFSTED School Data DashboardOFSTED Link to Parent View
Department for Education Performance Tables
Hadrian Academy’s Pupil Achievement 2022 (Provisional data)